Great article today in Salon by Tracy Clark-Flory about Our Porn, Ourselves, and the sentiments Flory expresses are a combination of fierce support and almost a sort of fatigue that we still need to have this conversation. But, as she agrees, we really do. Thanks, Tracy Clark-Flory! Here's an excerpt:
(...) I dig the in-your-face, screw you attitude, and I consider myself a pro-porn feminist. So, if you detect a lack of enthusiasm, it isn't because I think it's a boring or unworthy aim. In fact, the intersection of feminism and porn makes for one of my favorite subjects, and it's one I've been thinking, reading and writing about for most of my adult life. I just can't believe we're still debating whether porn is a good or a bad thing, feminist or antifeminist -- as though it falls clearly into one clear, impermeable category. There have always been feminists who love porn, feminists who hate porn and feminists of every ambiguous type in-between. There are women who both love and hate porn, depending on the actual content of the porn. ( more,
Photo submission from PinkSexGeek.