Our Porn, Ourselves: For women who are pro-pornand all those who support us. WE are the answer to anti-porn feminists. All genders welcome.
The name is a tribute to the legendary feminist book that helped women take back control of their sexual healthand sexual pleasure, Our Bodies, Our Selves.
Organizer Violet Bluefound out about the upcoming anti-porn feminist conference being held in Boston next month (June 12-13),and decided she’d had enough. So did a lot of other women,and men,and people of all gendersand orientations who are pro-pornand support a woman’s right to choose, exploreand enjoy porn.
We women are tired of people trying to control our sexuality by telling us what we should or shouldn’t like sexually (porn) based on what someone else thinks is best for us. It’s like keeping women in a perpetual state of being children about sex. And women who say they are feminists make it worse by discounting all the women who find porn to be an empowering sex toy. Or if not, to at least give us the benefit of the doubt that we can make that decision for ourselves, thank you very much.
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How can you help? You can “like” our Facebook page, Our Porn, Our Selves. This is a not for profit, community building idea whose primary goal is to empower womenand encourage the thoughtful exploration of female sexual inhibitions. Women who enjoy explicit visual stimulation for sexual gratification have been targeted by sex-negative anti-porn groups who seek to remove women’s sexual agency by shaming their naturaland healthy use of porn as a sex toy. Through the use of the open web, social mediaand new models of information sharing, we seek to give women the tools to decide for themselves if porn is right for them without the vitriol, distorted reportsand misinformation behind the anti-porn agenda.
We’re also here to have fun,and celebrate the diversity of female sexuality. Frankly, we find it difficult to take anyone seriously who thinks that Edward Penishands is a gateway drug.
I wholeheartedly agree that women have the right to choose how to view their sexuality especially in pornography. I do not want to wake up one day and find out that some ‘feminist’ who is is against pornography has decided to give me a list of sites that are the most appropriate or try to push me away from sites because they feel I am not capable of handling things. Thank you for this website.
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